Smell Like Dirt

In Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” Margaret Atwood

Archive for mister

Getting Kids into Nature

There’s a great article in the Charlotte Observer today highlighting the need to get our kids outside and exploring nature. Friends of Smell Like Dirt, Mark and Patti Weber, are featured due to their commitment to teaching an appreciation of nature and encouraging Alex and Matthew to Smell Like Dirt! (Alex and Matthew can be seen briefly in our “Mister” video – running through the sprinklers! Check it out in the VodPod listing on the far right of your screen) I’m counting on the Weber kids to lead the environmental stewardship movement when they get older. They’ve already got a healthy appreciation of all things outdoors and love animals of all kinds. They have lots of birdfeeders in their yard and Alex and Matthew can identify the birds that visit.

The Weber’s have been good friends for over 14 years and we congratulate them on doing such a great job raising conservation-minded kids. We hope that others will take their lead! If you want to get in touch with the Webers, leave a comment here for them and we’ll make sure they get it.

You can order the book mentioned in the article <a href=”Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder“>”The Last Child in the Woods” by Richard Louv right from this site by clicking here or go to the “My Favorite Books and Products” page

New Video

Check out the new video that we just shot about adding a mister to a tree in your yard. Lots of good footage of birds enjoying the water. If you have any questions about installing a mister in your backyard, please contact me.