Smell Like Dirt

In Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” Margaret Atwood

Archive for October, 2007

Tree Seedling Orders Deadline Oct 31

Mecklenburg County Soil and Water Conservation District will be accepting orders for tree seedlings through October 31st. Native trees and bushes will be available for pick up in January. Place your orders now to ensure you get what you want and avoid standing in line. This is a hugely successful annual event so place your orders now. Follow the link on this post to place your orders.

Drought and Water Conservation on TV this weekend

Gray Newman, Chairman of the Mecklenburg County Soil and Water Conservation District and Charter Member of Habitat and Wildlife Keepers (HAWK) is scheduled to be on TV this weekend, Sunday, 10/28, on Charlotte Now with Mike Collins Channel 46 WJZY. Gray will be talking about the drought here in the Southeast and how we can all help to conserve water.

Compost Video Part 2

This video starts one week after we built the compost pile in Part 1. It shows you the proper way to turn a compost pile and discusses some uses for compost in your garden, including compost tea! The video clearly shows how hot your compost pile can get. You can see the steam rising off of it as it turns. If you have any questions about making your own compost, please ask!

Viewing of Space Shuttle and International Space Station

For those of you who live in the Charlotte, NC area, there will be a rare opportunity to see a flyover of the International Space Station at 7:22pm this evening followed shortly by the Space Shuttle (successful lift off today) at 7:35pm. Both will approach from the NW and set in the SE and will be visible for 4-5 minutes. They will look like planets moving pretty fast overhead. If you don’t live in Charlotte, go to the NASA link on the blog and found out when these two space vehicles will be visible in your area!

Seen at the feeder

It may not feel like it (in the 80’s today) but its definitely fall. We are seeing birds at the feeders that we usually only see in the winter such as the white throated sparrow and pine warbler. The bluebirds are regular visiters in the spring and early summer when they are raising broods, but they’re coming frequently these days. We had 4 at the same time which might be members of this summer’s broods. The red breasted nuthatch was especially exciting as we haven’t had one of these at the feeders for 6-7 years. The downy woodpeckers are regulars, but the video clearly shows the difference between the males and females. Enjoy!

Setting up a compost pile

Fall is in the air and its time to decide what you are going to do with all those leaves in your yard. This video covers the basics of setting up a hot batch, or open bin, compost pile. Its a little long, but it was necessary to make sure you had all the information you will need to start your pile. (If you click on the click on the far right, the video window will be larger). Part 2 will cover turning the pile and uses for compost in your garden. For information about supplies, do’s and don’t’s please visit the “compost” page on the blog or post a question and I’ll try to help. Its very rewarding to make something right in your own backyard to improve the condition of your soil….and for free! or almost free, once you buy the supplies you need.

Box Turtles sighted

First thing each morning, I grab a cup of coffee and head out into the garden. On this particular morning in September, I discovered these two box turtles. I grabbed the camera and shot this footage. You never know what you will see! Get outside and see what’s going on in your backyard.

Rain Barrels

We’ve uploaded a new video on installing a rain barrel. With the drought we are experiencing in the Southeast, its important to save every drop of rain we are lucky to get. Special credit to Lauri Shubert of Lake City, Florida, for risking malaria and West Nile Virus in getting the mosquito photo used in the video. Great job, Lauri! Ah, what friends will do for each other………