Smell Like Dirt

In Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” Margaret Atwood

Archive for vermicompost

Worm Workshop!

Worms are a gardeners best friend! Not only do they keep your soil loose in the garden, if you keep a worm bin, they will turn your kitchen scraps into great food for your plants! And worms make great pets. Low maintenance and they work 24×7 eating and pooping until you have a perfectly natural additive to your garden. Composting is basically managing a natural process, and so is vermicomposting. I’ll be facilitating a vermicomposting workshop on 11/4 at 7pm (after the polls close). If you would like to participate, send an email to Cost is $15 per bin or you can just observe for free. To get an idea of what we will be doing, take a look at this video we shot about building a worm bin called “Global Worming” Get it?

Welcome to Smell Like Dirt

This blog will be dedicated to giving you fun and innovative ideas to explore the natural world around you. Videos posted weekly will show you how to attract wildlife to your yard, garden with native plants, build a compost pile and other projects meant to have you smelling like dirt! We all need to spend more time outside to reconnect with nature and instill the sense of wonder and awe we all had as children.

If there’s something you want to know how to do in the garden or have other subject matters for videos, please post your comments here or email me at

C’mon, its fun! I smell like dirt….do you?